How can a manufacturing company keep deskless employees up-to-date?

See how Lozier connects factory workers to mobile-first intranet using Simpplr

It’s not easy to keep workers connected and up to date, especially when many employees don’t have computer access. But Lozier, a retail shelving and display manufacturing company, found a way that works for everyone: Simpplr.

Marketing and Communications Director Hannah Bolte and Josh Gear, multimedia communications strategist at Lozier, keep everyone on the same page. Watch as they talk about their experience with the mobile-first solution from Simpplr.


  • How Simpplr brought employees together quickly and seamlessly, and how Simpplr guided Lozier through the quick setup process
  • Why employee communication to deskless employees is a critical component of employee experience
  • How communications teams can get valuable analytics about employee engagement without IT intervention

Watch this three-minute video to learn more!