Simpplr AI — The only AI built for EX

Simpplr's Employee Experience·AI (EX·AI) understands your company and culture to deliver amazing experiences for every employee.

Simpplr's Employee Experience·AI (EX·AI) understands your company and culture to deliver amazing experiences for every employee.

We’ve infused our entire platform with advanced AI and machine learning, moving beyond generic off-the-shelf solutions to intuitively elevate techniques for every facet of the employee experience.

EX·AI quickly immerses itself into your company’s structure, policies, knowledge, and vernacular to deeply engage employees, improve productivity, surface helpful insights, and deliver superior service more effectively.


Simpplr Employee Experience AI


AI’s full potential unleashed

We apply innovative AI and machine learning techniques to create a platform that personalizes content, simplifies knowledge management, improves search results, converses with employees, and unearths actionable insights.


Purpose-built for employee experience

Every employee has a unique profile based on their role, office location, benefit elections, life events, and more. Every company has a unique culture. Our AI adapts to you and learns the language of your organization.


Plays well with your other HR systems

Resolving employee issues often requires following a process that involves taking action across multiple systems. Our AI speaks to these systems to automatically handle every request, even complex ones like parental leave.

Elevate your employee experience

Virtual Assistant

AI Assistant

Get help, simply by asking

Our conversational AI Assistant connects to your other systems to provide relevant, accurate answers and automate complex workflows for each and every employee. Learn more

Simpplr AI Search

Intelligent Search

Provide employees with everything they need to crush their work

Our intelligent search understands natural language and searches across multiple business systems to provide employees with really smart answers. Learn more

Content personalization

Personalized Content

Deliver customized content and recommendations to every employee

Our smart personalization looks at each employee’s role and interests to continuously fine-tune their experience over time. Learn more

The modern AI employee experience platform writing assistant automation

Writing Assistant

Generate solid first drafts for blogs, newsletters, and emails in seconds

Our generative AI assistant makes it easy to simplify messaging, enhance productivity, and communicate more clearly than ever before.

Employee Sentiment

Employee Insights

Capture the pulse of your employees

Our sentiment analysis lets you hear from employees in their own words – while maintaining anonymity – to make informed decisions that boost morale and retain talent. Learn more

Our position on AI

These core principles guide our product development and AI implementations.

Simpplr is a member of

Responsible Artificial Intelligence Institute

AI must be accessible
and useful

Simpplr’s AI-powered solutions help employees be more efficient and responsive to the needs of the business. Organizations realize immediate, tangible value from AI through automation, enhanced collaboration and efficiency.

AI should assist
people, not replace them

Simpplr aims to enhance the work experience by automating tedious, routine tasks and accelerating access to essential, personalized information and resources. This frees up time for people to contribute in more meaningful ways and excel in their work.

AI must respect
data privacy

Protecting customer and partner data is a top priority for Simpplr, and we adhere to stringent data privacy regulations. Please review our Privacy Policy here.

AI must be used

Simpplr aims to be transparent with customers and partners about how we develop and use AI across our platform. Our AI ethics principles act as a framework to guide product development and the use of AI in an ethical and responsible manner. 


  • What is Generative AI?

    Generative AI is a subset of artificial intelligence (AI) models and techniques that can generate new content in the form of text, images, audio or other data, based on patterns it learns from existing data. Generative models can create entirely new samples that resemble, but aren't identical to, the data they were trained on.  
  • Is a part of Simpplr?

    Yes, became an integral part of Simpplr’s expanding portfolio of top-tier digital workplace solutions in September 2023, reinforcing Simpplr’s dedication to transforming the employee experience. By unifying employee engagement, enablement and services using cutting-edge AI technologies, Simpplr can deliver a seamless and personalized work journey for everyone, no matter where or how they work. 
  • What’s unique about how Simpplr uses AI?

    Generative AI is used in multiple areas of the Simpplr platform. One of the unique ways we use the technology is in how we analyze the emotions of intranet users. Simpplr goes beyond simply identifying positive and negative user sentiment to helping organizations identify sentiment themes (for example, “gratitude,” “pride” or “joy”) to understand the root cause of sentiment trends and enable data-driven decisions and actions. Not only can we tell you whether employees feel positively or negatively about your organization, but what type of emotions are prevalent, and why. 


Align your teams and elevate your employee experience today.