The trusted place for employees to find information and get help

As companies grow, the sources of information employees need to navigate become unwieldy. 

Employees need a trusted starting point to find information, read company news, and hear the latest announcements to be productive. Simpplr makes it easy to create a Digital HQ.


One trusted place for every employee to connect and get what they need

  • Make finding things easy

    Give every employee the ability to seamlessly search for information within the intranet, org chart, and apps like Google Drive, Dropbox, Sharepoint, Workday, Confluence, Salesforce, and more.
  • Align mission, goals, and objectives

    Establish the practice of sharing yearly and quarterly business objectives so that every employee can see how their work ladders up to the strategic mission of the business.
  • Decentralize content management

    Empower teams across the company to create and manage their internal micro-site where they can share information and post updates while leveraging AI to control bloat.
  • Measure and improve

    Unify insights and analytics across the entire intranet and understand what employees are looking at and how they feel about the company via sentiment analysis.
  • Communicate at scale

    Give your internal communications teams the tools they need to target and reach employee audiences wherever they work.
  • Support praise and recognition

    Create a place for employees to recognize and be recognized by their colleagues for performing great work and living up to company values.
  • Maintain relevance

    Leverage AI to personalize content for every employee and provide recommendations for information that deserves their attention.


Align your teams and elevate your employee experience today.