Exploring the future of Employee Experience: Join us at Digital Workplace Experience 2017

By Simpplr Marketing
Employee experience - wideshot of a group of people listening to an unseen speaker

Are you attending the Digital Workplace Experience 2017 event in Chicago between June 19-21? If so, join us as we explore the future of Employee Experience. The event is co-hosted by CMSWire and the Digital Workplace Group and for 3 days is bringing together the best minds to explore the trends impacting today’s digital workplace. Simpplr is a proud Digital Workplace Partner sponsor of the event and we’re excited to be sharing our experiences in helping organizations turbo-charge their employee experience.

Delivering a superior employee experience is not only critical, but challenging as well. Why should organizations care?

Did you know that according to Gallup, almost 70% of U.S. employees are not engaged at work?

Employee experience is a complex topic. According to Jacob Morganfuturist, keynote speaker, and best-selling author of “The Employee Experience Advantage“, the employee experience equation involves the following 3 key components:

What role can technology play, and what are the trends hindering our ability to keep everyone informed, engaged and productive? Let’s explore four key trends: 

#1: Multiple generations at work

Today, four generations, from Baby Boomers to Gen Z work side-by-side. Each generation brings their own preferences about how they connect, communicate, obtain, and share information with others. How do we successfully integrate and empower these diverse generations into the workplace? We must embrace radical changes in our workplace technologies if we want to be successful.

 #2: Workforce becoming more distributed

The remote workforce is growing at a rapid pace. According to a study by Global Workplace Analytics, 3.7 million U.S. employees (2.8% of the workforce) now work from home at least half the time. At the same time, while the employee population as a whole grew by 1.9% from 2013 to 2014, employees who telecommute grew by 5.6%. How do we continue to keep the fastest-growing segment of our employees informed and engaged? What role can technology play?

#3: Mobile taking hold in the workplace

IDC predicts that 72% of the U.S. workforce will be mobile by 2020. According to Mary Meeker’s 2017 Internet Trends report, consumers spent 3.1 hours per day in 2016 accessing digital media from their mobile devices, as compared to 2.2 hours from a desktop/laptop. Employees are increasingly relying on mobile devices to get their work done. How can we then provide an employee experience that seamlessly connects them regardless of their device preferences?

#4: Information explosion and fragmentation on the rise

According to a study by the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI), employees spend nearly 60% of their time looking for information or tracking down colleagues who can help them with specific tasks. IDC reports that 61% of knowledge workers access 4 or more systems on a regular basis and 13% need to access 11 or more systems to get the information they need to do their job. According to the MGI study, technologies which create value by improving productivity could potentially contribute $900 Billion to $1.3 Trillion in annual value. What role can we play in helping our employees become more productive?

Join our hands-on workshop on June 19

We will explore these trends and much more during the 3-day conference. In particular, if you want to learn how to build a digital workplace to improve your employee experience, join our hands-on workshop on June 19 at 11AM.

Advice from the Trenches: The Blueprint for a Successful Digital Workplace Launch

The workshop will be co-hosted by our very own Camila Souza, Customer Success Manager at Simpplr, Veronica Ruano Gruen, Head of Internal Communications at Splunk, and Kathy Krumpe, COO of Future State who will share insights on how leading organizations plan and launch their digital workplace.

In particular, during the workshop, we will:

  • Review a proven methodology deployed at dozens of organizations
  • Learn from Splunk’s and Future State’s journeys in providing a digital workplace to their employees
  • Build our own digital workplace (yes, you will be able to do this during the session!)

For a preview of some of the topics we will be covering, get this eBook packed with tons of practical advice to help you in your journey.

So, what are you waiting for? Head over to the event site to register and learn from the best minds in our industry today. We look forward to seeing you in Chicago on June 19!

Download our eBook: 4 steps to launching your modern intranet: A how-to guide

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