Recruiting Professionals Weigh In on Why Employee Engagement Matters

By Simpplr Marketing
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Before mobile technology gave anytime/anywhere access to the internet, organizations had the ability to carefully curate their public image.

They released testimonials and statistics that reflected well on their employment practices, and the only way to get inside details was through word of mouth. The rise of social media has transformed the recruiting process, making it possible for applicants to gather unprecedented amounts of information about potential employers.

A New Era in Employer Branding

Entire social media sites are dedicated to gathering feedback about the experience of employees, who can instantly reach hundreds or thousands of friends and acquaintances with a quick Facebook post or Tweet. Every piece of data contributes to companies’ employment brands — the general impression that applicants have of what it is “really like” to work for a potential employer.

Job Posts on Social Media

Companies have no control over the information that current and former employees share, making it more critical than ever to ensure high levels of engagement. Engaged employees become employment brand ambassadors, spreading positive messaging that encourages talented candidates to apply for open positions.

In a study by Sprout Social, 44.5 percent of the people surveyed stated they are more likely to apply for a position if a friend has posted about it on social media. The same individuals said that friends and family are their most trusted source of information about a potential employer, closely followed by employees of the organization. Clearly, it is far simpler to attract top talent when candidates hear good things from these sources.

The alternative is grim. Unemployment rates are a low 4.7 percent as of February 2017, and there aren’t enough qualified candidates to fill certain positions in the science, technology, engineering and math fields. There is a critical need for highly qualified information technology professionals. Additionally, the trend towards harnessing the power of big data requires experts in data management and analysis.

Recruiters Discuss Why Employee Engagement Matters

Becoming an Employer-of-Choice

In its 2016 report Top Attractors: Where the World Wants to Work Now, professional social media site LinkedIn listed the organizations that are most sought after by workers. It’s no surprise that the same companies appear on Fortune’s 2017 list of Best Companies to Work For, which is based on employee engagement factors. What motivates them to stand out from the pack?

The reality is that competition for talent is fierce, and candidates can pick and choose from multiple offers. Their drivers are work/life balance and organizational culture, so companies with weak employment brands simply can’t secure the talent they need by increasing compensation and benefits packages. The only option is an excellent reputation as an employer-of-choice, which starts with a comprehensive employee engagement strategy.

By paying close attention to employee engagement, organizations are consistently sought after by top talent. This is not a happy accident. It’s a strategic and purposeful competitive edge.

Download our eBook: Employee Engagement Statistics: 2018 State of the Intranet to learn how intranet technology shapes employee engagement today.

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