Essential Communication Tools That Every Business Needs

By Hani Khan
Essential communications - shot of a laptop screen showing Slack chat
A modern workplace requires modern solutions. Workplaces need the power of communication to make any organization succeed and drive results.

In a world of oversaturated communication tools, these 7 options are sure to power your performance in the workplace. 

Essential Communication Tools for 2020

These essential communication tools will help increase efficiency and productivity among the workforce.

Modern Employee Intranet

Example: Simpplr
Why it’s needed: Businesses need a platform that focuses on internal communications and top-down news, fosters a cohesive company culture across distributed locations, and promotes employee connections across the workplace. Simpplr has recreated the intranet space with software that is a night-and-day difference from the intranets most people envision: it comes with a slick UI, is easy to administer, and has found ways to drive intranet collaboration in the workplace.

Corporate Messaging

Examples: Slack and Gchat
Why it’s needed: Employees need instant messaging tools to help them communicate faster and better. Private collaboration platforms allow teams to work with each other without the need for an influx of emails. It helps employees connect and work together across different geographical locations and teams and even different time zones for instant communication. 

Voice and Video Conferencing Platform

Examples:  Zoom and Skype
Why it’s needed: A Voice/Video Conferencing Platform is needed to effectively communicate to get in touch with a colleague, schedule meetings with customers/prospects and work in a collaborative environment. It lets remote workers feel seen and is a simpler, yet more robust, way of connecting with coworkers when you can’t meet in person. 

Task Management

Examples: Trello and Asana
Why it’s needed: Combining communication features with assignment tracking capabilities, a task management tool transforms the way employees complete tasks. These communication tools follow projects from start to completion and allows transparency into the progress of a specific task. Task management software gives insight into any project from who is assigned, when it is due and the priority level so that employees are able to plan properly. 

File Sharing Tools

Examples: Box
Why it’s needed: Filing sharing may not be at the top of your list when you think of team collaboration and communication tools, but this is immensely important for workplace collaboration. What you may not see is the security and governance that is put in behind the scenes. In one of their early campaigns, they quipped: Box is “like SharePoint, but without the servers, setup cost, manuals, downtime, firewall restrictions, migraines, permission issues, three year development cycles, hardware maintenance, storage limitations, backups, VPN, certification courses, browser incompatibility, setup time, hair loss.”

Document Collaboration Tool

Examples: GSuite and Office 365
Why it’s needed: Cloud-based document collaboration tools have transformed how we manage knowledge in our day to day lives. It’s much easier to live in a world where we can collaborate in real-time on cloud-based communication tools and no longer have to worry about versions or saving files.

Issue tracking and ticketing software

Examples: JIRA and Backlog
Why it’s needed: If you’re a software company, you need a tool that records support cases from start to finish. Employees can monitor case progress and provide updates when there’s changes to the customer’s ticket. An issue tracking software can be a great tool to organize and manage a company’s customer support and service. They centralize and prioritise queries, track open issues, and collect customer feedback to improve products and services.

Looking for more communication tools?

The rundown of essential communication tools should help lay the groundwork to help bring your teams together and give employees the tools they need to collaborate more efficiently. A business that prioritizes good communication is more likely to avoid disruption caused by missed or mixed messages. 

Download The Modern Employee Intranet Buyer’s Guide

Get a step-by-step guide for selecting the best modern employee intranet solution for your organization’s intranet needs here. 

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