Simpplr Research: State of Employee Experience

By Matt Aaronson
Employee experience - State of Employee Experience 2022
For many desk workers, the employee experience in 2022 would be unrecognizable to our 2019 selves. Among those responsible for driving EX — especially in human resources, internal communications, and IT — the global pandemic and an emerging new employer-employee social contract have left heads spinning.

It’s no longer enough to have a strategy and execute on it. Sudden shifts in how we work are compounding the difficulty of engaging employees and responding to a new strategic reality. Leaders who charge forward relying on old thinking are bound to stumble in the long run. Regardless of whether you are still fully remote, or hybrid, or fully back in the office, if you are operating like it’s 2019, you are risking everything.

We carried out the State of Employee Experience survey and report because we wanted to know what EX professionals are seeing at this point in time and how they’re changing their approaches.

  • The current EX landscape: the “where” of work, challenges, priorities, etc.
  • How the different relevant functions (Comms, HR, IT, EX) rate their own performance — and one another’s
  • Essential EX technologies and planned investments
  • Measurement frameworks for employee engagement

Takeaways from State of Employee Experience:

Here’s a sampling some of the notable findings from the report:
  • Roughly three in five respondents’ organizations have a dedicated employee experience function.
  • “Compensation, benefits, and rewards” leads the perceived drivers of employee experience, but it is trailed closely by career development opportunities and flexible working arrangements.
  • Engagement surveys are the most popular form of employee experience measurement. Only seven percent of respondents said they do not measure EX in any way.

Download the “State of Employee Experience” eBook

Watch the “State of Employee Experience” webinar

About Simpplr Research

Simpplr Research was created in 2018 to provide customers and intranet practitioners insights and benchmarks to get the most out of their internal communications programs. With a rigid, analytical approach we hope to use data and insights to guide the corporate intranet industry and Simpplr’s solution strategy. To learn more or to suggest research topics contact us at

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