At Simpplr, we strive to #EmbraceEquity everyday and have an incredible and diverse group of employees. Today, as it’s International Women’s Day (IWD), we’re amplifying the voices of our colleagues as they share advice and inspiration to help overcome challenges they’ve faced in the workplace.
We sent out a quick Q&A to kick off companywide IWD conversations and have selected a handful of responses to share with you below from a cross-section of our company. We’re thankful to everyone who shared their thoughtful and candid responses. And we look forward to the ensuing engagement that these thoughtful responses will create in audience workplaces—and in our own!

What voices inspire and empower you? (This can be anything from a TikTok account or a leader you admire)
Every woman who expresses her thoughts openly without any fear or doubt inspires me.
This is the world. Half of it is lit by the sun and the other half remains in darkness. It is the same with life. There is good and bad and it’s our duty to remain in the light, be good. – Anita Nair
Women around me who are working, staying at home, executives, everyone has some story or inspiration to learn from.
I follow Kat Cole for boss babe inspiration! She has a “hotshot rule” where she asks herself what someone she admires would do in her situation/shoes/role, and then acts on the answer. It empowers me to think about obstacles differently, and I become energized by the solution rather than stymied by the challenge at hand.
How do you stay motivated and inspired and/or how do you try to motivate and inspire other women?
I feel I am unstoppable, as I strive to learn and become better every day. This keeps me inspired and I start my day with full energy as a wife, mother, daughter, and manager.
Sometimes you need to change your focus. To change your focus, change the question. If you ask yourself what’s wrong with this situation, of course, you’ll find things to complain about. Ask yourself what’s right about the situation, and you can quickly find the positives and get your groove on. Spending too much time on your weaknesses wears you down. Spending more time on your strengths helps you renew your energy and find your flow. Strengths are the place where you can grow your best. Find the things that you can do all day that you really enjoy and find excuses throughout your day to do more of that. Success builds on itself, and this helps you build momentum.
Have discussions and talk openly about the challenges.
Celebrating the success of others and owning your own success!
What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned throughout your career?
Detangle your mind, and you will get all the answers. Every problem has a solution.
Always aim high, work hard, and care deeply about what you believe in. When you stumble, keep the faith; when you’re knocked down, get right back up and never listen to anyone who says you can’t or shouldn’t go on.
A project is never completed, just abandoned.
Prioritize yourself first.
Put simply, kindness is underrated. Some of the best experiences, results, and relationships throughout my career were the product of putting kindness first.
How do you call out or challenge gender bias and inequalities?
I would say act every day, every moment, as if you have not heard the words “gender bias” and “inequalities” ever. That’s the best way to beat them—don’t let them bother you at all.
Start a conversation about basic terms. Ask the person in question what they meant by the comment, joke, or behavior that I thought displayed gender stereotyping. Nevertheless, try to keep it light and stay positive.
Of course, focusing on the larger inequalities will make a widespread impact, but it is sometimes the sum of many smaller efforts that can make a meaningful change. I try to call out the small everyday inequalities. When a woman on the call is asked to take notes despite having a more senior or strategic role in the meeting, I ask if there is someone more appropriate for the task or volunteer myself. When a femme presenting colleague is not included in kudos or recognition, I reach out directly with a kind reminder to be inclusive in all communications on a project. My personal favorite is to remind leaders that it’s not the time that’s put into the work but the final result. Sometimes a leader will see an active slack icon and assume that person is working harder. This means working through family dinner, bedtime, or even your spin class is valued over the quality of the work delivered.
1. Discuss one-on-one; 2. Raise concerns; 3. Move (if the concern isn’t addressed).
What’s your favorite quote about women in leadership, equity, or empowerment?
Know yourself, be yourself, and be human!
You can’t ask other people to believe you and vote for you if you don’t back yourself – Jacinda Ardern (40th prime minister of New Zealand)
“If your actions create a legacy that inspires others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, then you are an excellent leader.” – Dolly Parton
Never apologize for being a powerful woman. “Don’t let anyone speak for you, and don’t rely on others to fight for you.” – Michelle Obama
“Our greatest weakness is lack of self-confidence.” – Angela Ahrendts (Former apple SVP of retail)
With recurring themes of confidence and an assertive understanding and advocacy for their own value—and that of others—to be recognized, we’re proud to create a workplace that shares these values! Happy International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month from your friends at Simpplr!