ChatGPT for HR: The 50 best ChatGPT prompts for HR workflows

ChatGPT prompts for HR workflows
Are ChatGPT and HR teams a match made in heaven? No one knows better than HR professionals how dynamic this role has become. From constantly shifting people management tasks to launching initiatives to retain top talent, the to-do list is never-ending. 

That’s why an increasing number of HR teams are turning to AI tools to help them close these resource gaps, streamline their workflows, and offload some of their day-to-day tasks — freeing them up to focus on implementing new strategies for growth and beyond.

If you’re looking to harness the full power of AI in your HR workflow, the key is mastering the art of the prompt.

A good prompt is the key to getting the best results, and we’ve compiled 50 HR-specific ChatGPT prompts that you can use to expand support for your team and help you reach your goals.

Table of contents: ChatGPT for HR

Let’s dig in!

How ChatGPT can streamline your HR workflows

In a recent LinkedIn poll, People Management magazine asked HR professionals if they used ChatGPT in their existing workflows. Of those who responded, just 17% said they had used ChatGPT to take on HR-related tasks, while 33% said they had yet to use ChatGPT in their workflow but wanted to find ways to integrate it.

This supports additional research that shows HR leaders see the transformative potential of generative AI tools like ChatGPT:

  • 72% anticipate using GenAI for HR functions
  • 84% expect AI to increase productivity

Likely, the most significant barrier to integrating ChatGPT is understanding what it can do for their unique workflow.

ChatGPT can be used alone or with other AI-powered tools to take on your workflow’s most repetitive administrative tasks.

For example, Simpplr’s powerful AI capabilities across the platform drive its leadership in the EX platform space. “While AI is still emerging for many IPS competitors, Simpplr offers fully functional and integrated AI applied to a wide range of functions,” Gartner® noted in their 2023 Critical Capabilities for Intranet Packaged Solutions report. Simpplr purposefully leverages GenAI to empower employees, enhance decision-making, and streamline day-to-day workflows.

Using GenAI for HR within a comprehensive EX platform like Simpplr is particularly effective for:

  • quickly generating ideas, outlines and drafts, to scale operations and produce more on-brand, concise messaging.
  • uncovering underlying employee sentiments and emotions, so leaders can take data-driven action to keep morale high and retain talent.
  • interpreting employee data, freeing bandwidth for more strategic work.
  • identify pain points and areas of improvement, facilitating better decision-making and an enhanced employee experience.

And it’s secure. A Responsible Artificial Intelligence Institute member, Simpplr prioritizes AI security. The EX platform ensures a secure and private instance for each customer where absolutely no data is stored or used to train anything else. Outside parties cannot access the information you enter.

AI for HR - Team employee sentiment dashboard

Simpplr’s AI helps HR leaders understand the insights provided and prescribes recommendations for them to take action.

On its own, ChatGPT can support HR teams with tasks in standard workflows, including:

  • Employee onboarding and training: ChatGPT can assist in the onboarding process of new hires by providing them with necessary information about the organization, answering frequently asked questions and guiding them through initial training modules.
  • Data analysis and reporting: ChatGPT, especially when integrated with AI and machine learning tools, can analyze HR data to provide insights into employee performance, satisfaction and retention rates.
  • Enhanced employee engagement: ChatGPT can conduct surveys, collect feedback and suggest employee engagement strategies.
  • Recruitment and talent acquisition: ChatGPT can streamline recruitment by assisting with initial candidate screenings, scheduling interviews, and providing candidates with information about the company and role.

Important note: When dealing with sensitive information, concerns regarding data privacy and security in AI systems have been expressed across multiple industries. Refer to your organization’s policies around using generative AI (or if nothing’s been formalized, ask) to stay secure and compliant.

Now, you might have already tried integrating ChatGPT into your workflow and found that your results were less than impressive. Maybe you got an answer that was too general or wasn’t structured like you hoped.

In addition to expanding your understanding of what kind of tasks ChatGPT can take on, a few best practices are crucial to creating a successful ChatGPT prompt. Even if you’re starting with a prompt you’ve found in this article or elsewhere, it is critical to tweak it to get a custom result relevant to your business and goals.

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Best practices for writing effective ChatGPT prompts for HR

1. Be as precise as possible.

Ensure the purpose of your prompt is clear and specific. For example, instead of asking, “How do I manage employee issues?” try asking, “What are the best practices for addressing workplace conflicts between two team members?”

2. Include relevant context.

The prompts included below are a great place to start, but to maximize the quality of your output, it’s essential to follow them with relevant context, such as the size of your organization, your company mission, industry-specific regulations that may apply and so on.

3. Outline your desired outcomes.

Include in your prompt how you want to receive your result. Do you want an in-depth explanation, a step-by-step process or a sample template? Mentioning the kind of output you want can help you reach the desired result faster.

4. Use concise language.

This may seem contradictory to the three steps above, but stay with us. While you’ll want to include relevant details in your prompt, keeping your language concise will streamline your results and ensure you’re not overcomplicating your ask. Avoid verbose or complex language and use natural speaking terms whenever possible.

5. Use open-ended questions for broader insights.

Open-ended questions yield the most results if you want ChatGPT to generate ideas, strategies or opinions. This can apply to having ChatGPT create ideas to improve employee engagement or design team-building exercises.

To get you started on your ChatGPT journey, we’ve created a list of 50 valuable prompts to use in different stages of your HR workflow.

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Limitations of ChatGPT for HR

Using ChatGPT can profoundly streamline your HR workflows — but it’s important to keep the limitations of AI in mind. Here are some common challenges:

  • Giving unclear instructions: If your AI prompts are not optimized enough, you’ll likely get incomplete and ineffective results. ChatGPT relies on context and clear prompts, so any input issues will lead to output that could cause confusion or misinformation.
  • Losing the human element: AI is just that — artificial intelligence. ChatGPT’s output might meet your overall objective but fail to convey more complex or nuanced ideas.
  • Risking security and data protection: It’s critical to keep sensitive company and employee information safe, so again, be sure to comply with your organization’s policies around using ChatGPT for HR tasks. And if you’re using AI-powered tools within your intranet software, make sure your intranet provider takes AI security seriously.

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Best ChatGPT prompts for employee onboarding

  • Custom onboarding plan creation: Generate a customized onboarding plan for a new employee in [department], focusing on the first 30 days.
  • Welcome email template: Draft a welcome email for new employees that includes a brief introduction to the company culture, key contacts and first-day expectations. [For more tailored content, insert information about the company, including its website.]
  • Role-specific training material suggestions: List training materials and resources ideal for a new [role], including topics on [relevant topics related to the job description, resources – labeled].
  • Onboarding checklist development: Create a comprehensive onboarding checklist that covers all necessary steps from preboarding to the end of the probation period.
  • Icebreaker ideas for team integration: Suggest five icebreaker activities for a new employee’s first team meeting to encourage team bonding and interaction.

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Best ChatGPT prompts for recruiting

  • Job description generation: Create a detailed job description for [desired role], including necessary skills, qualifications and responsibilities.
  • Interview question compilation: List 10 insightful interview questions for [role] that assess both technical skills and soft skills.
  • Application screening criteria: Develop criteria for screening applications for [desired skill level, role], emphasizing both educational background and practical experience.
  • Automated response templates for applicants: Draft response templates acknowledging received applications and communicating the next steps in the recruitment process.
  • Virtual interview best practices: List best practices for conducting virtual interviews, ensuring a smooth and professional experience for both interviewers and candidates.

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Best ChatGPT prompts for talent management

  • Performance review framework development: Create a comprehensive framework for annual performance reviews, including key performance indicators for different roles.
  • Succession planning strategies: Suggest strategies for effective succession planning in senior management roles, considering both internal and external talent pools.
  • Employee development program outline: Draft an outline for an employee development program that includes training, mentorship and career progression opportunities.
  • Talent retention initiatives: List innovative initiatives to improve talent retention, particularly for high-performing employees in competitive industries.
  • Leadership training module creation: Develop a module for a leadership training program focusing on emotional intelligence and strategic decision-making.
  • Skills-gap analysis technique: Describe a technique for conducting a skills-gap analysis within [desired department] aimed at identifying current and future training needs.
  • Employee engagement survey questions: Compile a set of questions for an employee engagement survey that assesses satisfaction, motivation and alignment with company values.
  • Team-building activity ideas: Suggest five creative team-building activities that can enhance collaboration and communication among team members.

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Best ChatGPT prompts for employee recognition

  • Employee recognition program design: Outline a comprehensive employee recognition program that includes various types of acknowledgments for different achievements.
  • Peer-to-peer recognition campaign ideas: Suggest ideas for a peer-to-peer recognition campaign that encourages employees to acknowledge each other’s contributions.
  • Award nomination form creation: Create a template for an award nomination form that includes criteria for nominating colleagues for different types of awards.
  • Monthly recognition event planning: Plan a monthly recognition event, outlining the agenda, activities and methods for highlighting employee accomplishments.
  • Innovative reward options: List innovative reward options that go beyond traditional bonuses, such as extra vacation days, professional development opportunities or wellness programs.
  • Employee of the month selection criteria: Develop selection criteria for an employee-of-the-month program that fairly evaluates contributions across different departments.

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Best ChatGPT prompts for diversity and inclusion

  • Diversity and inclusion policy drafting: Draft a comprehensive diversity and inclusion policy that outlines the company’s commitment to creating an inclusive workplace.
  • Inclusive recruitment strategy development: Develop a recruitment strategy that ensures diversity in the hiring process, including diverse job boards and inclusive job descriptions.
  • Diversity training program outline: Create an outline for a diversity training program for employees that covers topics like unconscious bias, cultural competency and inclusive communications.
  • Employee resource group (ERG) launch plan: Plan the launch of an employee resource group (ERG) for underrepresented employees, including objectives, activities and leadership structure.
  • Inclusive language guide for internal communications: Compile a guide on inclusive language to be used in all internal communications, ensuring sensitivity and respect for all employees.
  • Workplace accessibility audit checklist: Develop a checklist for conducting an accessibility audit of the workplace to ensure it is accommodating for employees with disabilities.

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Best ChatGPT prompts for performance reviews

  • Performance review criteria definition: Define clear and measurable criteria for performance reviews tailored to [role] that include both quantitative and qualitative assessments.
  • Self-evaluation template creation: Create a comprehensive self-evaluation template for employees to reflect on their performance, achievements and areas for improvement before their review.
  • Constructive feedback and goal-setting guide: Develop a guide for managers on how to provide constructive feedback during performance reviews and assist employees in setting realistic and achievable goals.
  • Performance improvement plan (PIP) outline: Draft an outline for a performance improvement plan (PIP) that includes specific milestones, support mechanisms and tracking methods for employees needing additional development.
  • Feedback implementation process: Describe the process of implementing a 360-degree feedback system, where employees receive feedback from peers, subordinates and supervisors, ensuring a comprehensive review of their performance.

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Best ChatGPT prompts for benefits communication

  • Benefits package overview creation: Create a clear and concise overview of the employee benefits package, detailing each benefit, eligibility criteria and enrollment instructions [resources – labeled].
  • FAQs compilation for common benefits queries: Compile a list of frequently asked questions about the benefits package, providing detailed answers to help employees understand their options and how to access them [resources – labeled].
  • Open enrollment communication plan: Develop a comprehensive communication plan for the open enrollment period, detailing the timeline, key actions employees need to take and channels for disseminating information [resources – labeled].
  • Benefits information session agenda: Draft an agenda for an information session on employee benefits, including topics such as health insurance, retirement plans, wellness programs and a Q&A segment.
  • Benefits changes update template: Create a template for communicating changes to the benefits package, ensuring clarity in what has changed, the reasons for the change and the impact on employees [resources – labeled].

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Best ChatGPT prompts for policy updates

  • Policy update announcement template: Create a template for announcing policy updates to all employees, ensuring it clearly explains the changes, the reasons behind them and the impact on employees, along with effective dates [resources – labeled].
  • Policy change FAQs document: Draft a document with frequently asked questions specifically addressing the key aspects of the updated policies, providing clear and concise answers to help employees understand the changes and how they apply to them [resources – labeled]..
  • Interactive policy update training session plan: Develop a plan for an interactive training session that walks employees through major policy updates, including scenarios and examples to illustrate the changes and a Q&A segment to address any concerns or confusion [resources – labeled].
  • Interactive policy Q&A sessions: Organize regular Q&A sessions where employees can clarify their understanding of the new policies and provide feedback, ensuring open communication and engagement with the updates.
  • Policy update reminder notifications: Implement a system for sending periodic reminder notifications about key policy updates, ensuring that employees are regularly prompted to review and understand the latest changes.

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Best ChatGPT prompts for HR reports and analytics

  • HR metrics dashboard creation: Design a template for an HR metrics dashboard that includes key performance indicators such as turnover rates, employee engagement scores, time-to-hire and diversity metrics, with guidelines on how to interpret these data points.
  • Annual HR report outline: Develop an outline for an annual HR report, detailing the major sections such as recruitment and retention statistics, training and development, workforce demographics and employee satisfaction results [resources – labeled].
  • Data-driven decision-making guide: Provide a guide on how to use HR analytics for data-driven decision-making, covering methods to collect, analyze and interpret HR data to improve recruitment, retention and overall employee satisfaction.
  • Employee turnover analysis report: Generate a detailed report analyzing employee turnover, identifying trends and patterns and providing insights into potential causes and areas for improvement in retention strategies [resources – labeled].
  • Training effectiveness evaluation report: Develop a report to evaluate the effectiveness of training programs, including metrics such as employee participation rates, skill improvements and impacts on job performance [resources – labeled].

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Get started with ChatGPT to streamline HR workflows

It’s important to look at ChatGPT and other AI applications as valuable tools to help you do great work faster. It’s not a replacement for strategic thinking or rational decision-making, but it can help HR pros streamline workflows to make those decisions more quickly and effectively. With these starter prompts, you’ll be well on your way to expanding what AI can do for your HR team and employees alike.

And when you’re ready to consolidate your EX tech stack with an AI-powered EX platform that gives employees one place for everything they need to thrive, check out Simpplr. Request a demo to see how Simpplr leverages the power of responsible AI to enhance and elevate the employee experience and boost productivity.

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