Webinar recap: 2023 digital employee experience tips and tricks

By Samantha Hird
Employee experience - headshots of multiple male and female employees accompanied by light orange circles
To say that companies have a lot on their plates today is an understatement. As a result, it’s so easy to get caught up in the day-to-day and forget about the most important asset your business has—its employees. 

Creating an exceptional employee experience is crucial to any company’s success. We explored how this environment is changing with our own internal communications and employee experience experts, Julie Miller, and Aline Mello, as they shared tips and tricks to help you maximize the digital employee experience in 2023.

Employees have their own ROI considerations

A lot has changed in the last few years regarding how businesses and their employees view work. Determining what’s important and what is not has become complicated. And this shift applies to both your management team and your employee network.

From an employee aspect, they’re looking at cost savings from a long commute by working from home or just working remotely in a suburb far away from the office. Those savings add up, and they aren’t given up easily once employees have become accustomed to it. But the view from the c-suite is blurred by visions of potentially poor productivity, and they’re tasked with increasing it. It feels like being in the office is the only answer. 

There has to be a middle ground, and the digital employee experience is it.

Use your internal communication to transcend time zones

Companies often have many tools at their disposal to get the job done. However, if you’re not communicating effectively with your team, then it makes your business look inept to potential clients.

This is especially true if your team is spread across long distances—think of cultural barriers or challenges with time zones. Those things add up, and you need to address these issues so your team can operate fluidly and effectively in today’s marketplace.

Using Slack, Simpplr creates a variety of channels through which its team can communicate at any time. It transcends culture and time zones and “really set the tone for how we talk to each other, why we talk, and when.”

Setting up parameters for your digital employees to talk at the right time and in the right space pays dividends. Communication is one of your most valuable assets.

Set company-wide expectations

A company has management for a reason. Passing that vision down to the team is important in any business—but it’s crucial with a digital workforce. 

You may have the best ideas in the world for your rollout, but if your team doesn’t get the memo, it’s time and vision lost. And if they’re left feeling like an outsider, disconnected from the message, then you’re damaging your team’s morale on top of it.

Business has to be cohesive and fearless, and this applies to everyone on staff. “When people aren’t afraid of the company, they aren’t afraid of setting expectations.” It’s all about being on the same page. Day in and day out.

Let your team be creative and use meeting time wisely

Meetings happen all the time. What if they were more productive? Giving your team the space to foot their ‘best foot forward’ does wonders for creativity and, ultimately, productivity. Give your team the space to share ideas and bring the best ones to light. Your company will be the better for it.

From the webinar: “We can share our ideas before we meet. We can put everything there in writing, give people contacts, and then leverage that interaction.”

We all want to optimize our work, and giving space to our teams to do so is the missing link.

Check in on your people

Don’t forget to check in and make sure everyone is on board. You want to give your teams permission to create, but you also want to ensure they’re feeling creative and inspired.

As they mention in the webinar: “Let’s normalize the fact that yes. we need to take time out of our workday to connect with people—just checking in on people.” Let’s be honest, it’s time-consuming and many shy away from it, but that’s a mistake as it’s a huge team builder and motivator.

Encourage multimedia for client and interpersonal discussion

Email is amazing, and it’s free. However, there’s no substitute for face-to-face—even if it’s the digital version. Pick up the phone or set up a Google meet to talk to your clients and/or co-workers one on one.

If you’re in the US, consider WhatsApp as that’s how many of your European contacts prefer to engage. Look outside of your comfort zone and get together with your business associates where it’s most beneficial for the big picture.

We mentioned overcoming cultural or time restrictions, and multimedia platforms such as Google Meet, Zoom, and Microsoft Teams are amazingly flexible options to consider. There’s simply no better way to touch base with new and existing clients from across the globe. The options for collaboration tools are endless.

In the webinar, Miller says of video, “It communicates not just the tone and tenor of your message but connects people in a way that feels personal. It’s not just an email in your inbox, or a task, list from your boss, or an update from the CEO—it’s a real human moment, and you can hear or even see people’s reactions and their excitement.”

And that’s what it’s all about. Getting your team on the same wavelength and engaging with each other meaningfully, no matter where everyone is located. It’s powerful and can happen with a few clicks – use it!

If you want more tips on managing your digital employee experience, we invite you to listen to the entire webinar, Transforming the digital work experience in 2023: tips and tricks. And be sure to reach out for a demo of the many ways we help companies create an engaging workplace that maximizes ROI.

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