Multinational automotive service provider connects 18,000 distributed, deskless employees

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Simpplr Shapes

We’re creating an online community that shares a wealth of information to help employees do their best work.

Meet the company

This large automotive service provider based in Indianapolis, Indiana is a Fortune 1000 company with nearly 18,000 employees in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and the United Kingdom. By facilitating physical, online, and digital marketplaces, this organization is valued at over $40B.

Connect employees wherever they are with an easy-to-use hub in three months

As a large organization with a highly distributed workforce of deskless employees, this company needed to find a way to connect with their workers—and also to ensure that employees engaged with messages from headquarters. With only email to distribute content, it was difficult to find and use information and resources. They had tried an intranet before, but it was slow to use, cumbersome to administer, and it was dependent on IT to update. This company needed to create a hub for the entire organization that would solve all these challenges. And they needed to launch it in just 12 weeks.

A fresh look at how employees connect—with numbers to prove its success

85% adoption rate

Thanks to engaging content and a dynamic search function, 85% of employees now rely on Simpplr to stay connected.

80 sites, 4M page views

Point-and-click administration capabilities free up site ownership across the organization instead of reliance on IT, which led to multiple sites on work and non-work topics.

Robust usage analytics

Site managers and admins use analytics for ongoing engagement metrics so they can archive monitor readership and archive ineffective content, keeping the intranet fresh.

Case studies