Reinforcing the Communication Tech Stack

By Simpplr Research
Communication tech stack - employee using laptop computer and smartphone
As leaders navigate this new normal, Simpplr Research wanted to find out the levels of communication while working from home and what internal communication tools are being used to connect leaders and employees.

Simpplr and Pulse surveyed 100 IT leaders to uncover how companies are prioritizing top-down and cross-team communication for the rest of 2020.

Here are the results of the IT leader survey research regarding internal communication:

Communication tech stack - survey results in response to questions to employees about work situations
About Simpplr Research

Simpplr Research was created in 2018 to provide customers and intranet practitioners insights and benchmarks to get the most out of their internal communications programs. With a rigid, analytical approach we hope to use data and insights to guide the corporate intranet industry and Simpplr’s solution strategy. To learn more or to suggest research topics contact us at

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