How to Increase Intranet Adoption & Increase Engagement

Intranet adoption - woman working with colleague on laptop
Is your intranet a content dumping ground? A graveyard of unread posts? 

Do you find that no matter your intranet content efforts, pleading, or incentivizing efforts, you still can’t get your fellow employees to read the information posted to your intranet?

If this sounds like your organization, you’re in good company. People resist change and default to what’s easiest. Unfortunately, intranets are notorious for being the opposite of easy.

But don’t despair just yet. You can do several things to help increase intranet adoption and make it a more helpful tool for information sharing – it can even be a fun place for employees to learn about each other and share hobbies.

Read this eBook to learn 10 tips and tricks to improve intranet adoption and drive engagement.

From design and content strategy roadmap to digital tips, this quick eBook shares ideas for making your intranet eminently more adoptable and user-friendly. Creating a site that captures attention and encourages content posting and sharing has a far greater chance of success. 

Download your copy of the “10 Ways to Drive Employees to Your Intranet” eBook and learn:

  • Why a user-first intranet strategy takes more than great technology 
  • Tips for driving intranet engagement 
  • Ways to improve employee adoption of your intranet


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