Five employee experience trends of 2023

Employee experience - shot of staircase with arrows painted on
Organizations are paying attention to employee experience trends and moving forward with emerging “must haves” by degrees, but that will not be good enough in 2023. To help you along, we have five areas where your organization can strive to be a first mover this year, and your employee churn rate year-end will reflect whether or not you’ve done so!

Here are five EX trends based on the insight we’ve captured when listening to our customers, researching, and analyzing data, combined with a smidge of crystal-ball gazing.

Trend No. 1 | Accelerating frictionless DEX

Today, for most employees, their current digital experience is antiquated and ineffective, and their patience grows thin as they waste time shifting between 15+ places to connect, communicate and build community. It’s just too much. 

In 2023, conversations about recognizing where friction exists and ways to lessen its impact on the employee experience will accelerate. We’ll see EX professionals at organizations everywhere turn to advanced AI models to create a unified, personalized, and increasingly frictionless experience for the estimated 3.32 billion people employed worldwide—and they will demand more from technology and analytics to prove strategic value and continuously improve the experience of employees. 

The reality is, there will always be friction, but organizations will use advanced AI capabilities to find creative solutions and propel the workplace forward.

No. 2 | Helping managers realize their EX power

Although they are undoubtedly an organizations’ most important “channel” for delivering an effective employee experience, managers often report feeling under-supported and ill-equipped to cope with the complexity of demands placed on them.   

Managers are tasked with becoming communication, connection and culture ambassadors; they are integral to DEI program implementation; and they act as a two-way conduit for both leadership and worker engagement. When these managers have what they need, the impact they can make on EX is monumental. 

In 2023, manager enablement will shift from theory to practice, with HR, IC and IT functions at leading organizations collaborating to equip managers with the content, support, insights, and messaging they need by way of advanced technologies, training and analytics. 

No. 3 | ​​Reframing the EX trifecta with unprecedented innovation

In the past 10+ years, we’ve seen beta versions of EX positions sitting primarily in HR functions. Of late, there have been more of these roles popping up in communication and technology departments, and this expansion is happening across a broader range of organizations. 

At the same time, organizations have been slowly adopting holistic employee experience platforms that provide access to a network of resources. Using these platforms, organizations have been pioneering initiatives designed to make work more productive, convenient, and enjoyable. 

The move away from static office environments to location-agnostic collaborative workspaces will require digital tools and mobile platforms to maximize accessibility options. 

All of these innovations, from how to and who does the work, can be considered early-stage investments, but the shifts are promising. And to meet these evolving EX roles, responsibilities and relationships, we will see the EX trifecta—HR, Comms, and IT collaborating and innovating in new ways.

In 2023 we expect to see EX roles continue to expand and branch out beyond the confines of HR, and even beyond Comms and IT, with unprecedented alignment around collective metrics, tracking, and budgets to support a combined approach.

No. 4 | Making deskless employees feel at home

One of the biggest challenges organizations face today involves meeting the needs of a substantial, and growing, deskless workforce. Improving employee experience goes beyond desktop communications, yet organizations have been slow to adopt measures that account for technologically detached workers.

Deskless workers often feel left out and ignored, and compounding this—they’re notoriously hard to reach. 

In 2023, organizations will place greater emphasis on bringing these workers into the fold and creating mobile-first opportunities for this significant subset to engage, connect and feel included in company communications. 

No. 5 | Reigniting the EX fire

Organizations spent much of the past few years reacting and adapting to crises, and their cultures were forged in the pandemic flames.

Today, industry leaders are putting shape to the form, reigniting that fire to craft a more robust and adaptable culture that will endure—one that accommodates a variety of different skill sets, backgrounds, and ideas. They’re creating a culture that reimagines and strengthens employee experience and workplace connections to ensure everyone feels supported and connected, with a focus on nurturing previously overlooked subgroups. The resulting culture will entice and retain top talent due to its growth potential, inclusivity and dynamic personalization, which will be evident in every interaction.

Comparatively, when we reflect on EX of years past, organizations are accomplishing amazing things, but the work is far from over. In 2023, as organizations seek to reconcile existing gaps and identify emerging priorities, they will turn to correspondingly advanced solutions and EX technology that can meet these evolving expectations, live up to demands, and take its place on the center stage of the organization’s strategic planning. We know a place to help you with that!

Reach out for a demo to get a head start on 2023, as it promises to be an exciting year for EX!

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