From EXP to ROX – What the return on experience means

By Melissa Swisher
Return on experience - EXP acronym turns into ROX acronym
The employee experience is highly complex. For years, organizations have tried to uncover ways to improve it, adding technologies to the mix, hoping to streamline processes and deliver something more consumer-grade. But the problem is that work is work, and no matter how much we strive to simplify, there remains a big difference between making online purchases and navigating the workplace. Recognizing this, Simpplr is taking a new approach, shifting gears from employee experience to return on experience (ROX).

Here’s what that means.

How do I, where do I, I need to

The average 1,000+ person company has over 137 different apps in place. So, for employees, there are any number of sources for answers to questions like “how do I,” “where do I,” or “I need to.” One study found that the average employee spends 30% of their week on these searches. The pandemic further compounded this employee experience, as employees lost the ability to go down the proverbial hall and say, “Hey, can you help me with this?” And if we look at HR and IT specifically, that means today’s employees are dealing with disparate sources of critical information, inevitably contributing to lost employee productivity and increased frustration — the opposite of a positive experience.

Pulling it all together

Some organizations tried to address the issue by introducing bots to help employees, except more often than not, that meant a different bot for each app. There’s a service bot, an IT bot, an HR bot, a payroll bot, and more, forcing employees to track down the right bot for each query.

Pulling it all together centralizes these bots and their respective apps into a single source of truth.

Employees benefit from having a single destination for their many questions and requests. Simpplr’s Virtual Assistant works as that layer, connecting the different bots through the interface and unifying the end-user – and, ultimately, employee – experience.

Self-service, personalized support

Part of what differentiates the consumer experience from the employee experience is attention to detail. Sites like Amazon can present thousands of results for every search, but leveraging algorithms helps display the products a shopper is most likely to purchase. It’s about relevance. Striving to provide ROX through self-service, personalized support.

Simpplr’s Virtual Assistant bridges the gap between consumer-like experiences and employee experiences.

It helps employees access the right information applicable to their experience without jumping through hoops. By giving employees what they need when needed, we can offer that white-glove service that’s missing in many organizations, especially those navigating a hybrid workforce model.

Maximizing the return

From a tactical perspective, focusing on ROX, we can capture data by listening and gathering feedback, helping bolster cultural uniqueness. As employees engage with Simpplr’s Virtual Assistant, it starts to get to know them and their individual needs, offering a concierge approach. Unlike traditional recruiting and retention methods, ROX creates micro-moments that support a more memorable overall experience. When an employee needs help or wants to explore a topic, Simpplr’s Virtual Assistant inserts itself meaningfully tailored to the employee. The employee experience is about forging a bond and fostering trust and loyalty.

We’re using technology to reinforce values people appreciate without making the experience onerous – and that’s more than worth the return.

How Simpplr can help

By unifying employee engagement, enablement and services using cutting-edge AI, Simpplr’s vision is to deliver a seamless and personalized work journey for every employee, no matter where or how they work. Request a demo to see how Simpplr’s Virtual Assistant can help you revolutionize employee self-service with AI-powered workflows and assistance.

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