Year in Review: Thank You for an Amazing 2019 (A Letter from our CEO)

Year In Review - headshot of Simpplr CEO Dhiraj Sharma
On behalf of the entire Simpplr team, I want to thank our amazing customers and partners who helped make 2019 such an incredible year for us all.

We wanted to give recognition to the great work that everyone has accomplished over the past year.

As a 2019 Year in Review, here are the Top 5 (among many) things that Simpplr achieved in 2019: 

1. Simpplr launched the industry’s first Auto-Governance Engine.

The new Auto-Governance Engine is an AI-Backed technology that recognizes when intranet content is stale and helps keep your intranet consistently up to date. Check out the 1-min demo to get an idea of what Simpplr’s Auto-Governance Engine achieves. 

2. We had 100%+ annual bookings growth during the first three-quarters of the year!

Simpplr is proud of its’ extremely high retention rate with our flagship customers renewing the platform for their business. Check out our happy customers and what they had to say about Simpplr. 

3. Simpplr welcomed 100+ new customers

We’re excited to bring in traditional and established industries who care about company culture and employee engagement are beginning to adopt Simpplr which include multiple well-known media providers, insurance companies, manufacturers and professional services firms. 

4. We launched a new website with triple traffic, 100+ new blogs, 20+ webinars and attendance at various events.

5. Simpplr doubled it’s mobile app adoption and usage rate

Our mobile app is now available on both Android and Apple iOS. The app is a full-feature version of the desktop and we’ve rolled out custom branding which allows companies to brand the intranet app as their own as well as promotional capabilities within the app. 

As a company that focuses on employee engagement, it’s exciting to have a year where partners, customers and employees align to engage their workforce. Here’s to a bigger and better 2020, Happy New Year from all of us at Simpplr!

Dhiraj Sharma
Founder & CEO, Simpplr
January 1, 2020

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