Work from Home Diary: Shift to Work from Home

By Hani Khan
Work From Home - woman with slight smile looking at laptop screen

Day 1: Monday, March 16

Monday was the first mandatory work from home day that was put in place to ensure employee health and safety as we deal with an unexpected (or maybe some would say expected) pandemic. The day started off with a new daily check-in, bright and early at 8:30am (Thanks Sam) to brainstorm how to best communicate as we adjust to this new system for our team.

I had to dust off the in-home office, remove anything and everything from eye line of the webcam that will now be frequently used for virtual meetings, and hide away from my cat’s meows since he thinks it’s a newfound playtime. While working from home has its benefits, good luck to those working parents with kids at home, I’m fortunate enough to not have a cat that knows how to open doors (yet).  

As a majority of the workforce transitions to a newly mandated work from home/remote work policy during this time, we need to adapt to the new way the workforce will function. At this time, companies are not only thinking about the health of employees and communities but how that will affect the way we work together to help reduce the risk of getting sick. 

Shifting to a stronger, if not 100%, remote work policy can be an adjustment for organizations that are used to operating within their physical office locations. Few organizations are prepared but you can take the necessary steps to make the experience not only productive but impactful for your employees. 

Here’s how our team is transitioning to being a remote team instead of sitting besides each other (literally, I sit in front of my manager).

Set goals and expectations

Don’t let out of sight, out of mind become the mentality for your organizational teams. Set yourself and your team up for success by clearly stating tasks, deadlines and expectations. It’s important to define what the goals are and how you will achieve them to see the best results.

Equip your employees

Make sure your team has the technology it needs to get the work done. As an organization, it’s important to set up employees with the proper work environment whether it’s devices or software so they can be their most productive.

Communicate. Communicate. Communicate.

Transparency is key. Keep your teams updated about new policies and provide access to information so that they don’t feel isolated or lost.

Encourage Engagement

Invest in collaboration and communication tools so that employees and departments can stay connected and engaged with each other while working remotely. Make it fun for your employees and host company-wide (or department depending on your company size) contests, trivia or polls.


With an influx of constant updates, scenarios are constantly changing and people are having to adapt to their new working environments. Be understanding of employees who suddenly have their children at home or have to care for a family member. Trust your team to get their work done without hounding them.

Subscribe to our Work from Home Diary Series:

Read through Simpplr’s work from home diary blog series and learn how you can maintain workplace culture during this mandated work from home time. 

Day 1: Shift to Work from Home
Day 2: How Employees Can Stay Focused
Day 3: How to Work from Home with Kids
Day 4: Work from Home Setup Tips & Ideas



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