A quick look at AI for HR (and everything else)

By Melissa Swisher
AI for HR - AI written in white on a yellow background
Unsure about how artificial intelligence AI) can streamline your HR efforts? You’re not alone. That’s why Simpplr’s Virtual Assistant (formerly Socrates.ai) joined a recent discussion about AI for HR to help HR pros learn how to adopt the technology sooner rather than later. 

How does AI fit into the picture?

A panel of experts — including Melissa Swisher, former CRO at Socrates, Ben Eubanks of Lighthouse Research & Advisory, Teresa Smith, Senior Manager and HCM Strategic Advisory at UKG and Terry Bustamante, Sales Director at DaXtra Technologies — put their heads together to bust common AI myths and share insider knowledge.

They kicked off the discussion by looking at what AI for HR is – and what it isn’t. Noting that some find AI intimidating, the group agreed the technology’s helpfulness outweighs the hesitance.

Bottom line: AI supports the HR mission.

Melissa showed how AI brings simplicity to the employee experience. “From an experience point of view, there are ways to make work more efficient for you as an employee and your ability to get things done,” she said. “It’s removing friction and frustration points from the organization, like when you are looking for something when it really matters to you as an employee, and you can’t find it, that bogs you down.”

Melissa also highlighted how the convenience of AI enables employees to celebrate personal milestones that take them out of the office — like having a baby — without having to worry about finding important information while their manager handles filling their role.

Then she drew a parallel to consumer experiences, pointing to the evolution of encyclopedias — once physical in nature and now live online and easily accessible from any device. AI for HR makes it possible to move the employee experience – and everything it encompasses – from a full set of books to the Wikipedia app.

The time to use AI for HR is now

Given all that’s transpired these last few years, the AI conversation is growing in importance as companies look for new ways to connect and engage employees in the digital workplace. As the team from DaXtra put it, “A litmus test of sorts, AI can gain insights on how employees feel and offer resolutions and give incentives like flexibility and growth within the company.”

Beyond automating routine tasks, simplifying the search for answers, and helping employees in high-impact moments, AI enhances our ability as humans to connect with one another. In turn, employers can learn more about employees and curate a culture that better reflects its workforce — and meet employees where they are.

“Many things have changed,” Melissa said. “We need to understand what is going on with employees and build awareness of what they are feeling and going through, then take action on it.”

“We need to be able to take data and insights and marry them with human insights to drive results and create an experience where people truly do want to come to work every day,” Teresa added.

For HR leaders across all industries, AI brings an opportunity to augment the reality of work and improve the employee experience. Not the future, not the past, the reality — and that’s here and now.

Learn more about creating a modern employee experience in the age of AI

How Simpplr can help

By unifying employee engagement, enablement and services using cutting-edge AI, Simpplr’s vision is to deliver a seamless and personalized work journey for every employee, no matter where or how they work. Request a demo to see how Simpplr’s Virtual Assistant can help you revolutionize employee self-service with AI-powered workflows and assistance.

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