Work from Home Diary: How Splunk is utilizing Simpplr to engage employees worldwide

By Hani Khan
Work From Home - man in grey shirt using laptop and desktop at the same time

Day 11 – Monday, March 30

It’s week 3 of work from home for Simpplr employees and it seems like everything is slowly falling into a routine. The marketing team starts their day off with a daily 8:30am team check-in to set the tone for the rest of the day. This allows us to discuss what we’re working on, where we need help and a moment to catch up as a team. 

As we’ve started to figure out the best practices of communication for our team and organization, we wanted to hear from our customers and get insights for what communication tools are working best for them.

One of Simpplr’s valued customers, Splunk, shared how they’re utilizing their Simpplr Intranet to share time-sensitive COVID updates while maintaining a strong work from home culture. 

Splunk began transitioning their APAC team to a remote work policy in January. The security team was quickly able to put together a response plan when governments around the world started issuing shelter-in-place orders to keep employees safe and healthy. 

Work From Home - Splunk Simpplr intranet COVID-19 information page

As COVID spread, Splunk’s Employee Communication team put together a FAQ on Google Docs to have cross-departmental collaboration and to keep it as a live resource with up-to-date information. It has information from departments across the company, from IT to HR to events. But the organization realized that this transition required a more robust forum for communications that other tools weren’t able to provide. 

Utilizing their Simpplr intranet, Splunk was able to create a dedicated COVID-19 site that houses a communications archive, office status updates, links to the FAQ and Slack channel; it also provides external resources to wellness benefits. Having a centralized, dedicated location for information has made it easy for employees to find what they’re looking for. In order to streamline possible personal questions and concerns to the incident response team, Splunk turned off the comments feature for the site.

Work From Home - Splunk Simpplr intranet resources page

While still helping employees adapt to a remote work lifestyle and possibly adjust to having a partner, children and/or pets at home, Splunk’s employee communications remain focused on business and work. During this time, Splunk conducted a company all-hands to set priorities and answer questions from employees, allowing the Employee Communications team to gauge what information and content employees are looking for. 

During this time of uncertainty, it can be hard to keep company morale positive and upbeat. Splunk is countering that by conducting virtual happy hours and having team Zoom rooms. They’re utilizing Slack to share home office environments, funny stories with their kids at home, and getting tips from each other for how to transition to remote work. 

Subscribe to our Work from Home Diary Series:

Read through Simpplr’s work from home diary blog series and learn how you can maintain workplace culture during this mandated work from home time. 

Day 1: Shift to Work from Home
Day 2: How Employees Can Stay Focused
Day 3: How to Work from Home with Kids
Day 4: Work from Home Setup Tips & Ideas
Day 5: Engage Your Remote Employees with Fun Social Activities
Day 6: Technology Toolkit Guide to Remote Work
Day 7: 10 Ways to keep Remote Work Sane
Day 8: Importance of Employee Recognition

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