Simpplr spotlight release: Newest product features and updates

Simpplr Spotlight Release - orange circles and silhouette of a 24 on a black background
From AI-powered multilingual content moderation and smart answers to search queries, to the Employee Recognition suite pumped up with baked-in video and more, here’s what’s new at Simpplr with the latest release.   

Simpplr’s newest product updates make it easier than ever for organizations to deliver a seamless, cohesive and personalized employee experience. Read on for highlights from our newest release and request a demo to see these features in action!

Recognize with video

Employee recognition is both a powerful motivator and key factor for stronger business outcomes, including employee retention. In fact, effective employee recognition programs lead to a remarkable 31% reduction in employee turnover, helping companies keep their valuable talent. And 40% of employees thrive off of being appreciated, stating they’d be more dedicated if they felt recognized for their efforts.

Now, we’ve boosted our Employee Recognition product with built-in video capabilities — enabling customers with Recognition and Native Video to record videos in recognition posts.

Simpplr spotlight release - employee recognition example

Unleash the power of appreciation with Simpplr’s Employee Recognition

AI-powered multilingual content moderation

You want your intranet to reflect your organization’s values — so it’s important to ensure sites are clear of offensive feed posts and comments. And with our content moderation engine, artificial intelligence (AI) does the heavy lifting for you. According to the 2023 Gartner® Critical Capabilities for Intranet Packaged Solutions report:

“While AI is still emerging for many IPS competitors, Simpplr offers fully functional and integrated AI applied to a wide range of functions. … AI-powered content moderation helps to ensure compliance and content hygiene by employing autolabeling, tagging and categorization.”

Our AI-powered content moderation algorithm combs every feed post, comment and reply to ensure employees are using the platform appropriately (e.g., no hateful, harassing, sexually explicit, etc.). Now, Simpplr’s content moderation feature supports Spanish, Danish, German, French, Portuguese, Italian and Swedish — enabling multilingual customers to keep their environments safe from offensive or inappropriate language.

Simpplr spotlight release - AI-driven content recognition feature highlighting inappropriate content

Discover Simpplr’s position on responsible AI to support our customers

Get smarter answers

The time employees spend looking for answers to their questions adds up to frustration and lost productivity. Our hybrid neural search — a technical way to describe a machine learning tool that learns by example to make smarter decisions — learns from a user’s search intent to serve up more relevant, accurate and personalized search results.

We’ve revamped our search, turning it from an informational retrieval process to a proactive, personalized search experience that betters the user experience while and saving employees time. Smart answers is AI-powered and gives accurate, conversational-style responses to employee search queries, without the hassle of sorting through countless results.

Smart AND secure

The Smart answers feature is built on Simpplr’s secure platform and utilizes large language models (LLMs) through Microsoft’s Azure platform — providing a higher level of security and trust and more control over the data that we pass to them. The data is encrypted on Azure servers, deleted after a short while, and not used for any other purpose, including training LLMs.

Note: We’re gradually rolling out this feature. It’s currently available to customers in our early adopter program.

Mobile app optimizations

We’re committed to fostering a stellar employee experience — no matter where or how employees work. And a big part of fulfilling that promise means making our mobile app work better for your organization.

Users can configure their notification preferences in their profile settings. This feature is especially beneficial for frontline users who rely on mobile access and need to manage their notification preferences. Offering the frontline as much support as desk workers, all in one mobile app, is a priority for Simpplr. And we ranked #1 for Frontline Worker Support in the Gartner critical capabilities report.

Users can now tailor notification settings like email, mobile, SMS and in-app, choosing what notifications they receive and how they are notified. This ensures they stay informed in a way that suits their preferences.

More product enhancements

To help you deliver a more seamless employee experience and increase operational efficiency, we’ve also made a number of other enhancements, including:

  • Search all tile titles in the global search bar. Tiles are what make up the display of your home and site dashboards. With Simpplr, you can add different types of tiles (e.g., content, organizational, mobile) to personalize your dashboards across sites.Simpplr spotlight release - adding tiles for blog posts, events, and pages
  • Export sentiment check reporting data in a CSV file. As a paid add-on and part of the Employee Listening suite, you can use sentiment checks to see how users feel about important announcements.
  • See enhanced mobile analytics with deeper usage insights, including which departments are most engaged on mobile, as well as most popular content items on mobile.
  • Get a CSV export of newsletter opens and bounce data so you can make more informed employee communications decisions. All aggregate analytics for newsletters under the content tab have been retained and individual send newsletter analytics have been completely re-imagined. Recipients, opens and clicks are still tracked but now there is reporting around what devices were used to open the newsletter, how the clicks break down by content type, as well as the exact click count per newsletter link. There’s also a heatmap that allows you to view the newsletter with click data overlaid onto the screen.Simpplr spotlight release - example of an employee intranet homepage

Innovating for our customers

That’s just a glimpse into our newest product features and updates. If you’re an existing customer, we hope these new features and enhancements take your employee communications to the next level. And if you’re not yet benefiting from all that Simpplr has to offer, be sure to request a demo today to learn more!

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